Employee Performance Report:
EE Employee Performance Report is a unique report which is based on the formulae and will be helpful in tracking the efficiency, productivity & punctuality of the resources. This report will also be helpful in employee appraisal. Entire Employee Performance Report is based on the points system. These points are calculated as per the formulae. The detailed study of the Performance report.
NaNNavigate: From main Menu select "Reports ---> Employee Performance"
Calculation and parameters involved is as follows:
1 1) Leaves: Employee will be awarded 10 points if he takes 0 to 2 leaves above which he will get 0 points. Please note that, if a leave request from resource gets rejected then then his points won’t be deducted.
2) Average Working Hrs: Average Working Hours calculation is based on the Day sheet filled by resources.
3 Daysheet Billable Hrs: Daysheet billable Hours calculation helps in keeping track of the time spent by a resource in activities which are billable.
4 4 Hours Spent on Assigned Task: This will be helpful in keeping track of the hours spent by a resource on the tasks which are assigned to him.
5 5) Total Overdues: This is helpful in tracking the tasks which are overdue with your resources. Thus, it will help you checking the efficiency and time management of your employees.
A resource can earn maximum 100 Points which should be ultimate aim of him or an organisation in general. We have further sub divided the trophy colour which will be reflected on the top of his login next to your company name.
If, a resource has score of less than 50 Points = Bronze Trophy If, a resource has score from 50 to 70 Points = Silver Trophy & if, a resource has score of 70 Points & above = Gold Trophy. |
Thus, this tool will help you tracking the efficiency of your resources which in turn will help you in employee appraisal program.
A Sample Employee Performance Report is shown below:
Search periodic record for employee performance by selecting From and To date from the date pricker:
View the similar data in excel, by clicking on Export button, Employee Performance excel file gets downloaded in respective browser.