Manage Department & Workcategories:
In ERPCA you will find some predefined task checklist of departments like GST, INCOME TAX, COMPANY LAW, ACCCOUNTINGetc. which is the most unique feature that ERPCA offers. You also have the rights to customize these checklist as per your practice. in addition to customize you can also add the Department, Work-categories, and checklist as per your preference.
To Manage the Department, Work-categories, and task checklist you need to navigate to "Workflow -->Manage". Please refer the below figure to understand the options available.
1. This is a drop-down with list of all available department.
2. Here you can add the new departments or you can edit the name of departments.
3. These are the list of work-categories under selected department. For example in above figure, Income Tax is selected in department drop-down so Advance Tax Calculation, Company Returns Itr 6, Individual Return Itr2 etc. are the work-categories of Income tax.
4. Here you can create new work-categories for departments.
5. In ERPCA we have divided each workcategory into 3 segments, Doc Required, Activity List, and Outcome Document.
- Doc Required : These are list of document which needs to be collected from client for any task.
- Activity List : These are the activities which needs to be performed to work on any workcategories.
- Outcome Document : These are list of documents which needs to be shared with client after completion of task.
6. From here you can edit, delete or can create copy of particular workcategory.
7. From here you can see Active and In-Active workcategories.
Note: On clicking the numbers given below Doc required, Activity List or Outcome Document of a particular Work category, a drop down will appear with all the documents list.
Now, here you can add, delete or edit any activity as per your requirement. A sample Screenshot is given below for the Documents required for your ready reference.
Further, Activity list i.e the activities that needs to be done at your end, can be added or deleted your edited as well. The % wise weight-age of all the activities can be set here. Please refer below given screenshot for your better understanding.