
We have recently updated the Task Module and made it extremely interactive and very easy to use. Please find below attached Screen Capture to understand it:

Salient features of improved task board are as follows:

I) FILTERS - Now, you can see the filters in more comprehensive and interactive fashion. Various filters which are now active are:

1) Filter by Resource - Now, you can either see the Tasks of Article / Employee individually or Just select the Manager to see the tasks of his entire team. 

2) Filter by Work category - Now, you can either see an individual work category tasks or just select the department to see all the work-category & tasks under it.

3) Filter by Customer - Now, you can either see the Tasks of a Customer or select the Customer Group to see the Tasks of all the customers under that Customer Group.

4) Filter by Due Month - Now, you can see and work upon the tasks based on the due date month as well. 

5) Filter by Status - Now, you can see and work upon the tasks based on the task(s) status

6) Filter by Review Status - Now, you can view tasks by review status

7) Filter by Reviewer - Now, you can see and work upon the tasks based on the reviewer

8) Filter by Tax/Work Period - Now, you can see and work upon the tasks based on the Tax/Work Period

II) EXPORT - Now you can export your entire task sheet in the form of Excel Sheet by simply Clicking on the EXPORT button on the top left as shown in above picture.

III) TASK VIEWSNow, you can view the task in 2 ways as per your convenience viz.

1) Workcategory View - As the name suggests, here you can view the tasks based on the Department and their respective work-categories as shown below: 


2) Resource View - Here you can view and work upon the task based on the name of Managers and respective names of Article / Employee working under him. Please refer the pic below:

3) Customer View - Customer wise tasks will be visible

Thus, this new task dashboard gives you flexibility and simple clicks on the Tasks gives you complete details. For eg: If you wish to see and work upon the WIP tasks of Accounting department, you just need to click on the number below WIP. A pop up wll appear and you can perform the required activity. Refer below given pic:


Further, Tasks have been divided into 3 parts based on the task status: 

1) WIP Task - Work in Progress tasks are active task. Thus, these tasks are still being worked upon.

2) Overdue Tasks - These are Tasks whose due dates are over but work hasn't been completed.

3) Completed Tasks - These are tasks which are complete and ready for billing.

4) Total Task - This is sum total of all the tasks.