How to review the task:    

From the main menu "Task ---> All Task ---> My Review Board". Anyone can access this page. Review Board you can able to review the task and send your remark on it.

From Task Board page click on 

To take quick review of task - in task details you will come to know about Hrs.spent, Due date, Instructions(Description), Task progress, Notes on particular task. 

  1. Client Document - you can view which document is required and uploaded, and pending. From this view you can not upload document
  2. Activities - you can view which activity is Done and which one is pending. From this view you can add remark on particular activity. You can not update Activity from this view.
  3. Outcome Document - you can view the document only by clicking on View link.

Employee can submit task for review by from task board. manager can view this task in My Review Board.

At Manager side, you can see that task in Under Review, you can update review status by changing the status from Review status field.


1) Query:

Manager have any query in review you can submit query to Employee. Please follow the instruction mentioned in screen shot. 

Employee answer that query from the task board, Query can be reply from task board only not from Review board. Until employee reply that query manager can not update the review task status as it is locked for Manager and Partner.

2) Reviewed, want to submit task for further review:

After reviewing task you can re-assign same task to partner for review it again. Please follow the instruction mentioned in screen shot. 

3) Reviewed, Over For Finalization: 

You can view this status tag in Task Board and in review board. Please follow the instruction mentioned in screen shot.

When you select the review status option as 'Over For Finalization' in Task Board you can view the Close button. You can close this task From

4) Reviewed, Want To Close:      

After selecting Close option, task is getting closed from Review Board, you can view Closed label in Task Board as well. Please follow the instruction mentioned in screen shot. 

5) Update Log:      

From Review Board click  this Update log icon to view the Review task update only. in below screen shot you can see the remark for every status.