How to connect ONEDRIVE account in ERPCA for document storage?
Now, user is able to store task based and core document in onedrive. By default this option is Enabled to all. Follow the instructions to connect with Onedrive . if it is not connected then by default all the document will get saved on cloud
Follow the below steps:
1. Login as Admin account
2. click on Initials of logged in admin
3. Go to Integration
4. Click on Connect button of onedrive
After click on connect button system will redirect you to Microsoft Onedrive page where you need to login first, Enter MS Onedrive's username and Password
and then click on YES button
Once you connect with your onedrive account, please choose the ONDRIVE folders from the list to be used for document storage from ERPCA
after completing all the above steps ERPCA will be connected with Onedrive account